HPC Community at the University of Bonn

Meet with the HPC community at the University of Bonn, take part in events or participate in one of several courses related to HPC. See below how you can engage with the HPC community at the University of Bonn as well as HPC in the region of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) and beyond.

Upcoming Training Courses & Events
Linux Introduction Course - 1st course (summer 2025)1
PC Room 0.012 at the ...
Whole Day
In this course, you will learn about the following topics: - Using the command line - The ideas behind concepts like users, files, processes and ...
Intro to Working on HPC Clusters - 1st course (summer 2025)2
HRZ, Wegelerstr. 6, ...
Whole Day
If you use Bonna, Bender or another compute resources of Uni Bonn, or if you are planning to do so, then this course is your most important entry ...
Intro to Programming with Python - 1st course (summer 2025)3
PC Room 0.012 at the ...
Whole Day
Are you completely new to programming, or switching to Python from another language? Do you want to write scientific code with Python? Then this course ...

Keep in Touch with HPC

Mailing Lists

Keep informed and stay in touch with news and developments around all high performance computing and data analytics activies in and around the University of Bonn.

Monthly HPC-Admin Meeting

Meet with admins and power users to discuss current topics of interest and HPC developments in a relaxed setting. We usually get together once a month. Sign up to join us!


The University of Bonn is part of the HPC.NRW competence network aiming to improve available software, support, courses, and workshops for scientific and high-performance computing in NRW. 

External Events

HRZ Training Courses

Beyond HPC, HRZ offers a number of training courses on topics like using Microsoft Office, 3D printing and GIMP.

Registering happens via eCampus and requires only an Uni ID. The courses are open to all members of Uni bonn and free of charge.

HPC Admin Days

Twice a year, the HPC admins from all universities in Northrhine-Westphalia gather to exchange their experiences.

Meetings usually happen in spring and autumn.

Click below to see the meeting dates at the HPC.NRW website

Gauss Alliance Calendar

The Gauss alliance is a nationwide cooperation of all HPC centers.

Many HPC centers offer training courses, including for advanced topics.

The HPC calendar gives an overview of many events throughout Germany and beyond.

PRACE Training Courses

The Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE) is an international cooperation of HPC centers.

It too has an event calendar containing advanced training courses, workshops and conferences.

Further Links

Below you can find links to additional training courses, events and conferences.

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