Finalists of the "Most Interesting Results" Competition
We are excited to announce the finalists of this year's Most Interesting Results Competition in the Marvin cluster! From 13 outstanding contributions, we have selected seven finalists to present their work during Marvin’s birthday event.
Our selection was not based on scientific excellence alone—every submission demonstrated impressive quality. Instead, our main goal was to showcase the wide spectrum of applications for our HPC cluster Marvin, highlighting research from diverse fields.
The final winner will be chosen through live voting at the event. Stay tuned and join us in celebrating these inspiring contributions!

Tucano: Advancing Neural Text Generation for Portuguese
Main Author: Dr. KLUGE CORRÊA, Nicholas (Center for Science and Thought, Uni Bonn)
Co-Authors: SEN, Aniket (HPC/A-Lab, Uni Bonn); FALK, Sophia (Bonn Sustainable AI Lab, IWE, Uni Bonn); FATIMAH, Shiza (Institute for Computer Science, Uni Bonn)

Simulating the formation of gravitational-wave sources from star clusters and isolated binaries

Pressure-Induced Phase Transition in the Ti3O5 Heat-Storage System: Insights from Machine-Learned Potential Driven Metadynamics Simulations
JÜTTEN, Stefan (Mulliken Center for Theoretical Chemistry)

Development of magnesium batteries
DRYSCH, Katrin

Identifying Spatio-Temporal Drivers of Extreme Events
Main Author: SHAMS EDDIN, Mohamad Hakam (University of Bonn);
Co-author: GALL, Juergen

Examining pollinator attraction with object detection of insects using YOLO
Main Author: HEINRICHS, Emilia (Studiengang OEP-biology, Museum König)
Co-author: Dr. MAYER, Christoph (LIB (Museum König) Statistische Phylogenomik und Maschinelles Lernen)

Highly Scalable Adaptive Mesh Refinement and its Applications
Main Author: GRIESBACH, Tim (University of Bonn Institute for Numerical Simulation)
Co-author: Prof. BURSTEDDE, Carsten (INS)