Intro to Working on HPC Clusters - 1st course (summer 2025)
If you use Bonna, Bender or another compute resources of Uni Bonn, or if you are planning to do so, then this course is your most important entry point.
This course will be held at least twice. Additional course dates may be scheduled depending on the number of registrations.
Tip: This course goes together well with our Linux introduction course, and we have scheduled them in the same week.
In this course, you will learn the following:
- What are the basic terms of high performance computing?
- How to get access to the cluster
- How to connect to the cluster
- Dos and Don’ts of using the cluster
- How to use environment modules and workspaces
- How to run computations on the cluster
We recommend that every cluster user attend this course at least once.
Registration happens via eCampus. Simply join this course like any other eCampus course.
IMPORTANT: after registering, you MUST JOIN ONE OF THE GROUPS, depending on when you want to attend the course.
This course will be held at least twice. Additional course dates may be scheduled depending on the number of registrations.
Tip: This course goes together well with our Linux introduction course, and we have scheduled them in the same week.
In this course, you will learn the following:
- What are the basic terms of high performance computing?
- How to get access to the cluster
- How to connect to the cluster
- Dos and Don’ts of using the cluster
- How to use environment modules and workspaces
- How to run computations on the cluster
We recommend that every cluster user attend this course at least once.
Registration happens via eCampus. Simply join this course like any other eCampus course.
IMPORTANT: after registering, you MUST JOIN ONE OF THE GROUPS, depending on when you want to attend the course.
Wednesday, 07.05.25
– Thursday, 08.05.25
Event format
High Performance Computing; HPC
Target groups
HRZ, Wegelerstr. 6, Kursraum (room 0.012)
Admission price
free (Uni-ID required)
Additional Information
HPC Uni Bonn