22. April 2024

Update: Marvin available again Update: Marvin available again, filesystem problems

Second update April 25, 2024:

All filesystems are now working normally again

Update April 25, 2024:

The workspaces and other filesystems are still not working correctly. We will let you know when the situation changes.

Update April 24, 2024:

Marvin is now available again. Since the shutdown happened suddenly, we highly recommend that you check all your jobs, as some of them might have been terminated prematurely.

You can use all queues again, however all queues have only half their nodes online since we still cannot run with full cooling capacity. You do not have to do anything different than normally, it just might result in longer waiting times.

We will let you know if the situation changes.

Update: Marvin has to stay down until at least Tuesday noon (April 23, 2024). We will notify you of all further developments

Dear HPC users,

Marvin was shut down over the weekend due to a cooling failure. We will notify you when it is available again.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Megware Employees installing Marvin cluster components in the summer of 2023.
Megware Employees installing Marvin cluster components in the summer of 2023. © Lea Hataj / Uni Bonn
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Best regards
Your HPC Team

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