11. March 2024

Marvin registrations now open! Marvin registrations now open!

Dear HPC users,

we are happy to announce that you can now register for using Marvin. Below are the most important things you need to know:

Megware Employees installing Marvin cluster components in the summer of 2023.
Megware Employees installing Marvin cluster components in the summer of 2023. © Lea Hataj / Uni Bonn
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How research group shares work

Everyone needs to belong to a research group before they can log in to Marvin. When filling out the form, you will be asked to enter your research group leader's Uni-ID. Read what research group shares, and why they are necessary here: https://wiki.hpc.uni-bonn.de/en/research-groups

Your group leader will also need to fill out the form. Once the group has been created, group leaders can add and remove group members themselves: https://wiki.hpc.uni-bonn.de/en/research-groups#managing-your-group-members

Data storage

Your home directory will be limited to 100 GB in size. But don't worry! There is a space for your data that is unrestricted in size. We are using the "hpc-workspaces" tool for this purpose. If you want to store larger amounts of data, you can use the "ws_allocate" command to ask for a workspace. That workspace will be deleted after 30 days, but you can extend it up to three times (by another 30 days each time). See an explanation on how to use the workspace tools at our colleagues' website at Uni Siegen: https://cluster.uni-siegen.de/omni/usage/file-systems/?lang=en#workspaces and in the tool's official user guide: https://github.com/holgerBerger/hpc-workspace/blob/master/user-guide.md

Getting started

Please read our "Getting Started" guide https://wiki.hpc.uni-bonn.de/en/getting_started before using Marvin, use the system responsibly, and familiarize yourself with how to use it. We offer support and training if you have questions. Consider our Learning Resources overview: https://www.hpc.uni-bonn.de/en/support/learning-resources and our training program: https://www.hpc.uni-bonn.de/en/support/training

Installing software

If you need software, you can ask us to install it centrally. We decide on a case-by-case basis whether it makes sense to install a specific piece of software. Please understand that we have to take things like maintenance effort into account and cannot install everything.

In any case, you have several ways of installing software yourself. We offer Conda and Easybuild. See more information here: https://wiki.hpc.uni-bonn.de/en/using_and_installing_software

Getting Help

Finally, please have a little patience if not everything works right away, and if you need to wait a day or two until your registration has been fully processed.

If something does not work, or you have questions, our wiki is always a good starting point: https://wiki.hpc.uni-bonn.de . If that does not answer your question, your can e-mail us at marvin-support@hpc.uni-bonn.de

Alright, how do I register now?

Please fill out the form here: https://www.hpc.uni-bonn.de/en/systems/marvin-registration and remember that your group leader needs to do the same.

Welcome to Marvin!


Best regards
Your HPC Team

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