Marvin Access Registration Form

Form for Registrations related to the Marvin cluster (for owners of a Uni-ID of the University of Bonn)

Please provide your Uni-ID (not your alias, the Uni-ID usually has at most 8 alphanumeric characters), as issued by the University of Bonn, here. Please also consider that you will be contacted regarding your registration via your Uni Bonn E-Mail Address related to this ID. For further information about the Uni-ID please refer to: Uni-ID Identity Management
Computation time on Marvin is shared research-group-wise. So the head of a research group will need to effectively confirm your access to the respective share after your form submission (unless you are the head yourself in which case you please mention yourself here). In case that you have multiple affiliations and therefore want to use multiple research group shares, you can request an extension afterwards via the separate extension form.
As an employee, please provide here your (lowest-level) affiliation, e.g., the name of your institute. If you are a student, please provide the (lowest-level) affiliation / institute of your supervisor, respectively the head of the research group specified above.
Please enter the area, department, or faculty that applies (best) to the research group mentioned above.
Please specify the name of a person responsible for HPC or IT topics at your local institute. If you are not aware of any such person, please fill in Unknown.
Please indicate the incentive of your Marvin registration. Please choose the uppermost entry that fits best to your application, and consider the following distinction: Despite other uses of these abbreviations in informal speech, please consider that WHK (Wissenschafliche Hilfskraft) are not student assistant contracts and formally require a Master`s, Diploma, Magister (or equivalent) degree, while WHF or WHB are student assistant contracts which require an immatriculation and a Bachelor`s degree. Finally, SHK (Studentische Hilfskraft) contracts apply to immatriculated students which have not yet obtained a Bachelor`s degree. In doubt, please consult e.g. the internal circular 58/2022 of the University of Bonn and its annex for a more formal description of the different contract types.
Please give a brief but concise description of your planned computations, respectively, an estimate which resources you require. If you apply for a Bachelor`s or Master`s thesis or as a student assistant, please also kindly mention the name of your closest advisor related to your project and the involved computations (e.g., member of the specified research group) here.
If you plan to employ proprietary software, please mention it hereafter. Specify a name and version per row. If space is insufficient, please use ; to separate your entries. Please ensure a priori that you will be in charge of corresponding licenses (if necessary). You may also want to consult this page for information on HPC-related software offered by the university.
Please fill out this field using the example format provided in the placeholder.
The phone number will be handled in accordance with GDPR.
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